Tom Cochrane

Thomas William Cochrane (born May 14, 1953) is a Canadian musician known as the front man for the Canadian rock band Red Rider, and for his work as a solo singer-songwriter. Cochrane has won eight Juno Awards. He is a member of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, an officer of the Order of Canada, and has an honorary doctorate from Brandon University. In September 2009 he was inducted onto the Canadian Walk of Fame. Cochrane has also been recognized for his significant charitable work.
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: Life Is a Highway
Album: Mad Mad World
Label: Universal
Credit: A
Year: 1991
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: Big League
Album: Mad Mad World
Label: Universal
Credit: A
Year: 1991
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: Lunatic Fringe
Album: Song Of A Circling Spirit
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1997
Artist: Andrew Cole ft. Tom Cochrane
Title: Voices At 4am
Album: Single
Label: Artist Owned
Credit: A,W
Year: 2017
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: Boy Inside a Man
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1985
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: I Wish You Well
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1995
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: Ashes To Diamonds
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: Citizen Cain
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: Love Under Fire
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: Lasting Song
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: One More Time
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: River Of Stone
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: The Loading
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: Ocean Blues
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Title: The Untouchable One
Album: Tom Cochrane and Red Rider
Label: Capitol
Credit: A
Year: 1986
Artist: Red Rider
Title: Avenue A
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1979
Artist: Red Rider
Title: Cant Turn Back
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1982
Artist: Red Rider
Title: Napolen Sheds His Skin
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1982
Artist: Red Rider
Title: White Hot
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1979
Artist: Red Rider
Title: Young Thing Wild Dreams
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1983
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: Brave And Crazy
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1991
Artist: Tom Cochrane
Title: Human Race
Album: Trapeze
Label: EMI
Credit: A
Year: 1982